
Over the years we have supplied high schools with movements for their wood work projects and lately we have had primary schools interested in our clock movements as they are an excellent way to teach the time to children as they are able to design their own clock, often with their own art work, understand where to place numbers, either using our 25mm large numbers or writing their own. Then have the joy of having their own working clock to tell the time from at home.
Or as a class project they can use our large clock hands, 23cm long and design and make their own large class wall clock, maybe a great project for the beginning of the year.
They are widely used to make clocks from metal, ceramic, wood, records, CDs, tiles, canvas. Stiff cardboard, fence palings, car hubcaps and many more products. Just visit pin interest for many ideas. We pride ourselves on our excellent quality and low prices. See our quartz movements page for more details